AAPI By-Laws Voting Results

AAPI By-Laws Voting Results

AAPI By-Laws – Voting Results

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article I

Article I

To assist Physicians and Dentists, Podiatrists, Medical, Dental and Human Sciences students obtain scientific training in the United States of America (the “United States”).

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article III


Section 3.1 – General:
Membership in the AAPI shall be open to any physician or dentist or podiatrists or students of medicine, dentistry, podiatry and human sciences of Indian origin in the United States who wish to promote the mission of the AAPI and make continuing contributions towards the goals of the AAPI.

AAPI will only represent/aid a member with legal advice or fund raising or in any fashion only if they have been an AAPI member for at least one year prior to the occurrence of the incident.

Section 3.2 – Categories of Membership:
Active members shall be Physician, Dentists,Podiatrists who hold or at any time held (only apply -to retired physicians, and not to physicians who lost their license due to disciplinary action of any kind except for health-related causes) unrestricted license to practice medicine in any state of the USA or any physician or dentist currently enrolled in Residency program in the USA:

1. Patron life members (life members) admitted after payment of the Patron member dues assessed to them not to be below 250 US dollars.

2. Premium active members will be assessed a fee of 150 dollars annually to get discounts during convention and GHS. Premium members will be eligible for premium seating at all AAPI events. They will also be eligible for other benefits as determined by executive committee or governing body from time to time. This fee will be used for operating expenses of AAPI office only and will be in AAPI savings operational funds in order to maintain the smooth operation of the organization. Quarterly accounting information will need to be provided to the governing body members in order to maintain the transparency in the organization.

Associate members shall be those persons engaged in professions or career in the human sciences other than medicine, podiatry and dentistry. Associate members are not entitled to vote or hold any elected office, but may be appointed to Committees for their professional expertise to serve AAPI. They are also eligible for certain benefits and services which are offered by AAPI to its membership. Associate members will have to pay the dues assessed to them which will not be below 100 dollars annually.

Residents, fellows, and students of medicine, podiatry and dentistry, in approved training Programs in the United States, who wish to promote the mission of the AAPI, will be represented in the AAPI through the AAPI’s Medical Student/Resident/ Fellow section. Their participation will be governed in accordance with the working documents of the AAPI-MSRF section and AAPI bylaws. The working documents will conform to the broad principles of the AAPI.

Physicians, dentists, podiatrists who have completed their training and are in their first ten years of practice of medicine, dentistry, podiatry and who pledge to promote the mission of the AAPI will be represented in the AAPI through the Young Physician section. Their participation will be governed in accordance with the working documents of the AAPI-Young Physician section ,and AAPI bylaws .The working documents will conform to the broad principles of the AAPI bylaws.

Sponsor membership dues shall not be below 1000 dollars annually to qualify for benefits. This does not include their sponsorship amount.

International members- Any physician, dentist, podiatrist of Indian origin who has or had a valid medical license in any country can apply for international affiliate membership. They will be eligible for all AAPI benefits except voting rights. They can serve in committees as deemed necessary. International members will have to pay an annual membership fee which may be altered by governing body but cannot be less than 100 US dollars. Certification of membership will be provided to international members.

Section 3.3:
g. Member organizations will be evaluated periodically to make sure they are active chapters following the bylaws. If found inactive their membership will be terminated with majority governing body voting.

Life membership dues for these organizations shall not be less than 500 US dollars and will have to be approved by the governing body.

Section 3.4 – Revocation and Suspension of membership and Removal from office:
a. Any member, elected or appointed officer or a committee chair may be immediately suspended on temporary basis, who deliberately performs actions which are contrary to the best interest of AAPI including initiating a competing or conflicting national organization similar or almost similar to the AAPI by 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Committee. Retroactive suspension also may occur if the above stated member was found to be acting not in the best interest of AAPI.

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article IV


4.1 Convention Site Selection and Advisory Committee:
b. The Vice President of the AAPI shall serve as the Chair of the Committee. The Chair shall select the 5-7 members from the experienced senior leaders of AAPI and Host chapter for a period of one year. YPS/MSRF Vice President shall be part of the committee.

All AAPI Accounts including but not limited to MSRF, YPS ,Convention, Charitable foundation, Indian AAPI accounts will be opened and maintained in the AAPI Headquarters. All funds collected for AAPI related accounts need to be maintained at the AAPI office and reviewed by the treasurer along with the President periodically.

4.7 Convention Finance Committee:
4.7.i Composition: President Elect of AAPI (Chair), one BOT member, the AAPI Treasurer, the Convention Chair, the YPS/MSRF President Elect, the Local Treasurer and the President of AAPI and the President of Host Organization.

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article V


Section 5.4 – Executive Committee:
a. Vice President: Shall be active member of AAPI for at least 5 years, Shall have at least five years on the Governing Body, of which three years must have been on the Executive Committee. Candidates who are BOT must have completed their mandatory three year term as BOT at the time of application for governing body experience along with attending at least 50 percent of all BOT meetings .Candidates must have at least one year experience serving as elected Treasurer or Secretary of the AAPI.

b. Secretary: Shall be active patron member of AAPI for at least 5 years, shall have served four years on the Governing Body, out of which one year should be as a President of local/State/Alumni of dues paying member association of the AAPI or completed a mandatory three years term of BOT at the time of application and or one year as a Regional Director.

c. Treasurer: Shall be active patron member of AAPI for at least 5 years, shall have served three years on the Governing Body out of which one year should be as a President of local/State/Alumni of dues paying member association of the AAPI or completed a mandatory term of three years as BOT at the time of application and or served one year as a Regional Director.

d. Regional Director: shall be active patron member of AAPI for at least 4 years, with at least one year experience as President of local/State/ Alumni/ dues paying active member association chapter of AAPI or AAPI YPS /MSRF president who has successfully completed their term at the time of application including attending 50 percent of all governing body meetings as primary voting member at the time of application for the position.

e. For each year on the Governing body, the candidate must have attended at least fifty percent of Governing Body meetings as a primary voter during the same year prior to applying for the position. Attending as proxy will not count as governing body experience to contest for election.

Section 5.5 – Board of Trustees:
Qualification for Members of Board of Trustees: Besides being active patron members of AAPI for at least seven years, the candidates must have served for three years on the Governing Body and one year in the Executive Committee. The Board of Trustees shall advise the AAPI regarding its fiscal welfare and operation of the AAPI. Except as otherwise provided in Article XIII, at the request of the Governing Body, the Board of Trustees may serve as a mediator to resolve financial disputes among the various office holders and committees.

A. The Board of Trustees shall be made up of as follows:
  a. Fifteen trustees shall be elected from among the active members.

A.b. Five trustee positions shall be filled each year to replace the five trustees who completed their terms and retired.

A.c. The immediate past Chair of Board of Trustees and immediate past presidents of YPS and MSRF will serve on the Board of the Trustees as non- voting members for one year.

A.d. The immediate Past President of AAPI shall automatically become a member of the BOT on completion of their one-year term as President of AAPI. The past presidents who become the unelected BOT member for a one year term will be a voting member.

B. A Trustee term shall be for 3 years and cannot serve for more than one term which is a total of three (3) years.

D.The Chair Elect and Vice Chair elect of the Board of Trustees will be elected at the spring governing body by the governing body members from among the Board of Trustees who are serving the second-year term during their three-year term as BOT. The Chair-Elect and Vice Chair Elect will assume the Chairmanship and Vice chairmanship of the Board of Trustees at the following annual meeting. The BOT member getting the second highest vote will automatically become the Vice Chair elect of BOT.

E. Board of trustee is a commitment for three consecutive year term and only those members who have successfully completed the three-year term at the time of application, are entitled to run for executive committee positions. BOT members need to have attended at least fifty percent of governing body meetings for each year as BOT member and fifty percent of all other BOT meetings every year during their term to have successfully completed their term as BOT. In the event they fail to do so, they will be unable to use BOT experience as criteria to contest any election.

E.a. The Board of Trustees shall meet not less than eight (8) times per year of which four (4) will be in- person meetings. Two such meetings shall occur during the Annual Convention and such meeting constitutes the Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. All meetings other than those conducted at the Annual Convention shall require at least seven (7) days advance written notice by mail, email or fax. All such notices shall be signed by the Chair or Chair-Elect and shall specify the place, date and time of meeting.

F. The funds generated from active/ associate/ member chapters shall remain in an escrow account controlled by the Board of Trustees. Funds generated from Prime membership shall be in the operational savings account fund for AAPI office operational use only, approved by the EC.

F.i. for agenda/action items will be sent by AAPI elected secretary to all governing body /general body members 6 weeks prior to the respective governing body meeting or general body meeting.

F.ii. Members must send their requests to AAPI elected secretary 4 weeks prior to governing or general body meeting to be included as part of agenda or action item to be voted on.

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article VI


Section 6.7 – Regional Directors:
There shall be fifteen (15) Regional Directors, one from each designated region of the United States elected by the voting members of each respective region. They are to work closely with the YPS/MSRF Regional Directors or regional coordinators.

The Regions are:

1. Pacific – 1; 2. Pacific 2; 3. Mountain;
4. Northwest Central; 5. Southwest Central; 6. Northeast Central-1;
7. North east Central 2; 8. South east Central; 9. New England;
10. Mid-Atlantic-1; 11.Mid Atlantic 2; 12. Mid Atlantic 3;
13. South Atlantic; 14. South 1; 15. South 2;

1. Pacific 1 (the Pacific region will consist of Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon Washington and Northern California.)

2. Pacific 2 – Southern California.(Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside,San Bernadino,San Diego,San Luis Obispo,Santa Barbara,Ventura Counties, Frezno)

11. Mid Atlantic –II (the Mid Atlantic –II region consist of New Jersey)

12. Mid Atlantic 3 – Pennsylvania

14. South – 1 (the South region 1 will consist of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia)

15. South 2-Will consist of Florida

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws


Each Candidate will have to deposit $4,000.00 with his/her application, in addition to the Application Fee, for compliance with the Code of Conduct. After the first infraction they will be charged 1000 dollars, after the second infraction 2000 dollars and after the third infraction they will be charged the full amount of 4000 dollars and will not be allowed to contest for the election.

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws
Article VIII


Section 8.1 – Committee Nomenclature:
Standing Committees
The term of each Standing Committee shall be one year. The following shall be the standing committees.
1. Academic Affairs & Scientific Research Committee
2. Alumni Committee
3. Awards Comittee

4. Charitable Foundation Committee

5. Constitution and Bylaws Committee

6. Continuing Medical Education Committee
7. Convention Advisory and Site Selection Committee
8. Convention Finance Committee

9. Ethics and Grievances Committee

10. JAAPI Committee

11. Legislative Affairs Committee

12. Liaison Committee/Graduate Medical Education (GME)

13. Membership Committee

14. Nomination Committee

15. Political Action Committee (when formed)

16. President Advisory Committee

17. Publications Committee

18. Information Technology Committee

19. Women Physician’s Committee

20. Long Term Fundraising and Finance Committee

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws
Article III

Section 1 – OFFICERS:
a. All officers of the Foundation shall serve a one-year term.
b. The incoming President of the AAPI shall be responsible for conducting the election for the incoming Treasurer, Secretary and Vice Chair of the Foundation more than 4 weeks before the Annual Convention. The patron trustees of the foundation will elect the eligible candidates for the positions by a simple majority.

Section: 3 Vice- Chair:
1. In the absence or disability of the Chair the Vice Chair shall perform all duties of the Chairperson.
2. After the one-year term the Vice Chair will automatically ascend to the Chair Position.

Section: 5 TREASURER:
8. Qualification of Treasurer: 5 years as Patron Trustee of the Foundation or 4 years of patron member of AAPI and one year as treasurer or secretary in national AAPI or BOT member who has completed the mandatory term of 3 years, at the time of the beginning of the term.

9. Qualification of Secretary-6 year as patron trustee of Foundation or 5 years of patron member of AAPI and one year as treasurer or secretary of National AAPI or BOT member of AAPI who has fulfilled and completed their term as BOT of AAPI.

1. Qualification of Vice Chair- Vice Chair needs to have been AAPI-CF treasurer or secretary for at least 1 year along with being a patron member of AAPI for at least 10 years or 7 years patron trustee of Charitable Foundation of AAPI along with completing the one-year term as treasurer or secretary of Charitable Foundation. They also need to have served as AAPI treasurer or secretary for at least one year or AAPI BOT member who has successfully completed their 3-year term as AAPI BOT.

Section 8-13 JAAPI Committee:
A. The Journal of AAPI Committee Chair will be nominated by the President with approval of the governing body for a term of one year. The committee will consist of at least 5 members. The Chair in consultation with the President will appoint the Co- Chair.
B. The function of the committee will be to handle all matters related to the Journal.
C. Quarterly report needs to be submitted to AAPI office.

Section 8.17 – Nomination Committee:
A. The Nomination Committee consists of (11) eleven members actively involved and familiar with the workings of the AAPI. The Immediate Past President, being a senior member of the Executive Committee, will be the Chair of the Committee unless otherwise determined by the Governing Body for any cause.

B. Members of this Committee shall consist of the following:

  1. Members of this committee include 3 Past Presidents and 2 BOT Chairs, President Elect and Past President of YPS and MSRF except for the Chair and Co-Chair, the other 5 members of this committee should have undergraduate medical degree from different states of domicile of India or USA.
  2. Furthermore, no more than one member should be from the same Alumni, Regional or Specialty Chapter of AAPI.
  3. Notwithstanding the Chair and Co-chairs, and the YPS/MSRF President Elect the other 5 members shall be proposed and elected by the Executive Committee, 6 weeks prior to the election period.

C. The Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities to:

  1. Receive nominations for the following positions:
    1. Vice President
    2. Secretary
    3. Treasurer
    4. Board of Trustees
    5. Regional Directors
    6. YPS/MSRF – Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Regional Directors.

2. For the following positions each and every candidate must have completed serving, at the time of filing for nomination the following additional requirements:

  • Vice President: Refer to Section 5.4.B.b
  • Secretary: Refer to Section 5.4.B.c
  • Treasurer: Refer to Section 5.4.B.d
  • Trustee: Refer to Section – 5.5
  • For YPS/MSRF Election please refer to qualifications as per their constitution or bylaws.

President’s Advisory Committee:

  1. Goals- To advise the President and the Executive Committee.
  2. The Chair and cochair shall be nominated by the President. The chair, cochair and all members need to be Past Presidents or Past BOT Chairs.
  3. The committee needs to be composed of at least 5 members.

SECTION 8.19 – The PAC or Political Action Committee.

Only on approval by the legal and compliance teams, and to be in some way associated with AAPI.

  1. The chair is nominated by the President with approval of Governing Body. There should be at least 5 members and the co-chair is selected by the chair in consultation with the President.
  2. The committee needs to work closely with the Legislative committee and will function as permitted by the requirements of the organization composition and regulations.

Section 8.22: Election Committee:

Members of this Committee will be shall consists of the following,

  1. The immediate Past BOT Chair shall be the Chair of the Committee.
  2. Members of this committee include 2 Past Presidents and 2 BOT Chairs, and the past YPS /MSRF Presidents.

  1. Except for the Chair and the YPS/MSRF Past President the other 4 members of this committee should have undergraduate medical degree from different states of domicile of India or USA, furthermore no more than one member should be from the same Alumni, Regional or Specialty Chapter of AAPI.

  1. Notwithstanding the Chair, and YPS/MSRF Past President the other 4 members shall be proposed and elected by the Executive Committee. Executive Committee elects from the pool of the Past Presidents and from the pool of Past Chairs, Board of Trustees, 6 weeks prior to the election period

  1. Members who have served the nomination committee cannot serve the election committee in the same election year.

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article IX


Section 9.1 – Determination of Annual Dues

Annual dues for all categories of membership shall be determined by the Governing Body. The dues approved need to be within the guideline’s recommendations of the AAPI bylaws .Any deviation from that will need to be modification of the bylaws.

Proposed Amendments to the AAPI Constitution & By-laws – Article X


Section 10.1: Eligibility Criteria for the Voters in AAPI Elections:

  1. All patron Members of AAPI as of January 31st of the year. For YPS election they have to be paid YPS member as of January 31st of the election year. For MSRF members they have to be registered MSRF members as of January 31st of the election year.

Section 10.4 – The Election Process:

  1. The Vice President along with the President shall prepare and certify the list of voting members, as defined in Section 10.1, on or before February 15th of each year.

  1. The elections shall be conducted by a postal mail or electronic email ballot or both as considered necessary to conduct fair elections. Ballots shall be mailed or emailed on or before March 7th of each year to qualified voting members as provided in Article X, Section 10.1.Prior to mailing or emailing the ballots ,debate will be organized in zoom and general members will be invited to witness the debate which will enable them to make decisions for the different positions. The moderator for the debate will be appointed by the President and Chief Election Officer after.

  1. Only the ballots received via mail to the specified address or electronic process by fourth Friday of March of each election year will be eligible for counting. Counting of the ballots will be done within 24 hours after the closing of the election.

Section 10.5: – Recount of Election Ballots:

  1. The recount result shall be announced by April 15th and shall be binding on all parties.