President's Message

Dear Esteemed Members of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin,

As we navigate through this challenging year, I am reminded of the remarkable resilience and dedication that defines our community. Despite the obstacles we face, I am inspired by the unwavering commitment each of you has shown in your practice, research, and service. My immense gratitude to all of you for electing me 4 times to serve you as the president of AAPI.

  1. According to the current bylaws (Article VI) the current Executive Committee (EC) term is one year which ended on July 8, 2024.
  2. The new EC term started on July 9, 2024.

Looking ahead, as the president of AAPI, I am excited to share our plan to further enhance our association’s impact:

  • Collaborating with Other Medical Organizations: We will forge stronger partnerships with esteemed organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA), Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), and National Board of Physicians and Surgeons (NBPAS). These collaborations will help us advocate more effectively for our members, enhance professional development opportunities, and ensure our voices are heard on critical healthcare issues.
  • Improving Membership and Engaging the Younger Generation: We aim to grow our membership base by reaching out to and engaging with the younger generation of physicians. Their fresh perspectives and energy are vital for the future of our organization. We will create more opportunities for mentorship, networking, and professional development tailored to their needs and aspirations.
  • Addressing Regulatory Burdens: We will work diligently to alleviate the regulatory burdens that hinder our ability to provide the best care possible. By advocating for streamlined processes and sensible regulations, we aim to create a more efficient and supportive environment for our members.
  • Increasing Reimbursement for Physicians: Ensuring fair compensation for the invaluable services we provide is a top priority. We will advocate for policies that enhance reimbursement rates, recognizing the hard work and dedication of our members.
  • Reducing Physician Shortage: Addressing the physician shortage is critical to ensuring accessible and quality healthcare for all. We will work on initiatives that promote medical education, support residency programs, and encourage more individuals to pursue careers in medicine.
  • Expediting Green Cards for H1 Visa Holders: Many of our members face challenges related to immigration status. We will advocate for policies that expedite green card processes for H1 visa holders, providing stability and peace of mind for those who serve our communities tirelessly.
  • Community Outreach Initiatives: We will continue to expand our community outreach efforts, including screening for Coronary Artery Disease among Indian Americans and organizing bone marrow drives. Additionally, we will work on prevention initiatives in India to decrease the burden of cancer and coronary artery disease in collaboration with our Indian counterparts. These initiatives not only save lives but also strengthen our connections with the communities we serve.

Additionally, I want to make the following promises to ensure the highest standards of integrity and inclusivity within our association:

  • Financial Transparency: We will maintain complete financial transparency by giving the Chicago convention account and COVID fund to independent agencies for review. We will hire credible third-party agents for audits rather than relying on internal auditing and appoint a full-time accountant to manage our finances meticulously.
  • No Frivolous Lawsuits or Baseless Investigations: We commit to avoiding any frivolous lawsuits or baseless investigations against anyone. Our focus will be on constructive actions that benefit our members and our community.
  • Merit-Based Encouragement: We will encourage candidates from various parts of India based on their merit and service, not their place of origin. This ensures that our leadership reflects the diversity and talent within our community, fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank past leadership, along with the executive committee, Board of Trustees, and chairs of all standing committees, for their year of dedicated service. My best wishes to Dr. Anjana Samadder for the first ever AAPI World Health Congress. I humbly request all of you to join us in New York City to make this Congress a great success.

Let us continue to support each other, innovate, and strive for excellence. The challenges we overcome today will pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

Thank you for your tireless efforts and unwavering spirit. Together, we will emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Warm regards,

Satheesh Kathula, MD, FACP, DipABLM
President, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

Executive Committee 2024-25:
Dr. Satheesh Kathula – President
Dr. Amit Chakrabarty- President Elect
Dr. Sumul Raval- Vice President
Dr. Raj Bhayani- Secretary
Dr. Shirish Patel- Treasurer
Dr. Anjana Samadder- Immediate Past President
Dr. Sunil Kaza- BOT Chair
Dr. Shefali Kothary- President, YPS
Dr. Priya Uppal- President, MSRF

Regional Directors:
Dr. Gaurav Singhvi- Pacific
Dr. Anjali Gulati- Pacific North
Dr. Ram Singh- Mountain
Dr. Raghuveer Kura- NW Central
Dr. Sreenivasa Gokarakonda- SW Central
Dr. Meher Medavaram- NE Central
Dr. Soumya Neravetla- NE Central II
Dr. Shashi Kuppala- SE Central
Dr. Ram Chirunomula- New England
Dr. Rakesh Mehta- Mid Atlantic-1
Dr. Avinash Gupta- Mid Atlantic- II
Dr. Vasu Singh- Mid Atlantic III
Dr. Suresh Gupta- South Atlantic
Dr. Raghu Lolabhattu- South I
Dr. Pawan Rattan- South II

Please Save the Dates for Exciting Events:

  1. AAPI Global Healthcare Summit- New Delhi, October 18-20, 2024
  2. Royal Odyssey of Rajasthan- October 21-29, 2024
  3. Arctic Circle- June 2025
  4. AAPI Annual Convention- Cincinnati, OH/KY July 24-27, 2025
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